USB Based Finger Print Readers


       USB FingerPrint readers are small, versatile and highly mobile readers. The AIDC software solutions based on USB Finger Print Readers are only limited to one’s imagination. Using USB Finger Print Readers we can have applications for Canteen Management, Visitor Pass, Contract Employees, Bank Locker Room access, Security / Support staff validation etc. Companies can use the USB Finger Print Reader for Attendance and Payroll also.

Advantages of the USB Finger Print Readers are many fold. The cost of the USB Finger Print readers are less compared to the normal Finger Print Readers. Installation of the software / Reader is a 5 minute work. No need of expensive cabling and electrical work.

Currently we support the DP UrU 4500 USB Finger Print Reader. With a sleek and elegant design the readers are rugged and build to last.

Reader Features

  • Very small form factor
  • Rugger metal construction
  • Blue / Red LED’s which distinguishes between reader status and read operations.
  • Accurate Finger Template Reading.
  • Multiple fingers for the same employee.
  • Reads even the most tough finger prints. Dry & wet Fingers, hardened fingers and young adults fingers are well read.

Software Features

  • Supports both hands and multiple fingers for registration.
  • Finger Print Registration, Finger Print Image Capture and 1:N validation for over 50,000 people.
  • Fast Registration and even faster Finger Print matching.
  • Supports Web camera to capture the image of the user.

The USB Based Finger Print Reader Digital Persona UrU 4500 is very dependable and time tested reader. This coupled with our expertise in providing off the shelf and bespoke applications, will satisfy the requirements of customers who are in need of versatile AIDC solutions based on the USB Finger Print Readers.